Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Kaju Katli

source: Vegrecipesofindia


Cashews - 1 cup
Sugar - 1/4 cup
Water - 5 tbsp
Ghee - 1 tbsp


1. Powder cashews in a mixer. Do not grind it for too long, otherwise you will get start getting cashew butter.
2. Boil sugar and water over low heat till sugar dissolves completely.
3. Then add powdered cashew and mix well. Cover over low heat , stirring continuously.
4. Stir and cook till the mixture starts coming together. It will take around 10 minutes. Switch off the heat and transfer the mixture on to a plate.
5. When the mixture is warm enough to handle with hands, knead it to a soft dough. If the dough is dry , you can add 1- 2 tsp of milk.
6. Flatten the dough with a rolling pin to thickness of about 3-5 mm. You can use a parchment paper over the dough while rolling it.
7. Using a knife , cut it into diamonds.  Store it in air tight containers.


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